Northlands Wood Primary Academy

Northlands Wood
Primary Academy

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School Uniform/Equipment

At NWPA we believe in children being smartly dressed at all times.

Parents/carers should ensure that if children do not have the correct uniform, they should inform the school via email/letter explaining why and when the situation will be rectified.

Parents must label all school items clearly.  Staff will use a permanent pen to label uniform/items where parents/carers have omitted to do so.


  • Red cardigan/jumper/sweatshirt (with or without logo)
  • White polo top/blouse/shirt
  • Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore/tailored shorts (not close fitting)
  • Red gingham dress (summer)
  • Red/grey/white tights
  • Grey/black/white socks
  • Sensible black shoes (no trainers or boots)
  • Book bag – EYFS and KS1 only
  • Named water bottle with water required daily for the classroom – all years.  If bringing in a packed lunch, an additional drink should be provided with it.
  • KS2 – healthy fresh fruit or vegetable snack
  • Coat/jacket to be brought in to school on all days where the weather may  be cold, wet or changeable.

 PE Kit (children should come in dressed in their PE kit on the designated days)

  • Red T-shirt
  • Black shorts
  • PE trainers
  • Winter - plain joggers and a plain hoodie/sweatshirt can be worn - where possible, black, grey or red


  • Longer length hair to be tied up every day to assist in the prevention of head lice being passed around and for safety reasons (during PE, using the climbing wall and practical lessons within class)
  • Extreme haircuts/colours are not permitted (extreme being any haircut/colour that is considered a distraction to others)
  • Hairbands, ribbons/bows or 'scrunchies' should be plain and either red or white in colour.  Hairbands should not have large flowers/ears etc attached.
  • Jewellery is not permitted in school.  If your child has an ear piercing, then it is expected that this is a stud only which must be covered by the child's own surgical tape prior to any PE or equivalent activity.
  • Make-of any description, including nail varnish, is not permitted in school.

Branded items with school logo are available from:

Monkhouse Schoolwear
Unit 1 & 2
Bridge Road Business Park
Haywards Heath
West Sussex
RH16 1TX

Telephone number: 01444 223001



Second hand uniform

We recognise for some parents/carers that it is not always possible to purchase new uniform and equipment.   If you need some help, enquiries can be made in confidence to our School Office who will be able to help you.   Also our PTFA hold second-hand uniform sales which are advertised through school communications.  More information can be obtained from them directly by emailing