Northlands Wood Primary Academy Governing Body

The Local Governing Body (LGB) at NWPA is formed of 12 Governors.

The main aim of the LGB is to provide strategic leadership and be the academy's accountable body. It is responsible for the conduct of the academy and for promoting high standards. The Governing Body also aims to ensure that the children are attending a successful academy which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.

The LGB is asked to carry out the following functions on behalf of the Sussex Learning Trust Trustees.

To champion the Sussex Learning Trust vision and values in the academy
To hold the Headteacher to account for the performance of the academy
To determine the educational vision and ethos of the academy, reflecting that of the Trust
To ensure the academy has a medium to long term vision for its future and a robust strategy for achieving it
To appoint from its number the Chair and Vice Chair
To appoint a Clerk
To review and amend the policies of the academy (in line with any prescribed Trust policies)
To ensure the academy receives and reacts to pupil, parental and feedback
To implement the Trust complaints policy and hear complaints at the relevant stage
To establish and maintain a relationship with the local community

Finance and contracts:
To approve the annual budget of the academy for submission to the Trustees for approval
To monitor the in-year budget performance of the academy
To ensure proper financial controls are in place in the academy
To maintain a register of Governors’ business interests
To ensure provision of free school meals to those pupils meeting the criteria
To enter into contracts up to the limits of delegation and within an agreed budget
To support the Trustees in its monitoring and evaluation of the delivery of central services provided by the Trust

Curriculum and standards:
To approve the curriculum proposed by the Headteacher, ensuring it is consistent with the Trust’s vision and policies
To ensure effective processes are in place for monitoring the quality assurance of teaching and learning, the curriculum, inclusion and the sharing of best practice
To monitor performance data reported by the Headteacher relating to educational standards, attainment and progress
To develop, monitor and approve the Academy Development Plan in tandem with the Self Evaluation Document
To review and maintain the academy’s SEN policy and monitor its implementation
To monitor the impact of the Pupil Premium and other grants (such as Sports Premium) in the academy

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of the academy’s students or pupils
To review and maintain a safeguarding and child protection policy and monitor its implementation To ensure the completion and maintenance of the single central record

Behaviour and attendance:
To review and maintain a behaviour policy and monitor its implementation
To convene a Discipline Panel to review the exclusion of a pupil by the Headteacher
To review attendance and pupil absence data

To undertake consultation, publish admissions and determine arrangements as required in accordance with the School Admissions and Appeals Codes (any admissions policies giving preferential rights to children at another Trust academy require the approval of the Trustees)
To ensure effective arrangements are in place for pupil recruitment and contribute to the development of the academy prospectus

To participate in the appointment of the Headteacher as set out in the Scheme of Delegation
To take part in the performance management of the Headteacher as set out in the Scheme of Delegation
To support the Headteacher in the development and review of an appropriate staffing structure for the academy
To ensure that the Trust's policies on all HR matters are implemented in the Academy
To ensure appropriate premises management and development and that health & safety requirements are met and adhered to
To review the risk register of the academy
To review any health and safety issues and the security of premises and equipment
To contribute to the development of the Trust’s capital works programme

Governors & Responsibilities

Our Chair of Governors, Richard Stevens, can be contacted by email at

Our Clerk of Governors can be contacted by email at

Click here to view details of our Governors, LGB constitution and attendance 2024/2025.